Loosing up boards

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Loosing up boards

Post by Freestyler » Fri May 11, 2012 3:46 pm

Realise this probably been discussed before, but totally confused re fins :?
Trying to loosen up a 6'3", 19, 2 3/8 round tail JS Occy board, currently using K2.1s. Using it as a step up board, so paddles in well when waves 6' and up, great off bottom/top on backhand, but forehand feels like a lot of board to swing around. It may be I need to make sure foot right over tail pad.
Want to keep the drive and hold in the 6'3", but get more snappy off top.
Standard board is a 6' Occy, same dimensions, and K2.1s. I weigh 65 kgs, 55 yrs
Grateful any suggestions

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Re: Loosing up boards

Post by swvic » Fri May 11, 2012 4:32 pm

1st thing I'd do is put PC 3s in the front. The rear fin on K2.1s is just a size 3 anyway (exact same dimensions)

3s smaller than 2.1 fronts, but the different shape should mean that it won't be MASSIVELY looser. Might be Goldie Locks just right
marcus wrote:and that vicco dude, whatsisname?


Re: Loosing up boards

Post by Beerfan » Fri May 11, 2012 4:51 pm

Wanna keep drive, but loosen up. Keep the sides, reduce the centre fin. MR trailer

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Re: Loosing up boards

Post by Freestyler » Fri May 11, 2012 5:33 pm

Was thinking of using TC RedLines on the side and a back TC whiteline, big bases give drive and small tips quick release. Using all Whitelines in all three positions feel would make board slip on bottom on bigger waves. JUst not sure about the Redline, they are a big mans fin.

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Re: Loosing up boards

Post by Davros » Sat May 12, 2012 8:39 am

same as above smaller fin in the back on smaller days, AM2 have this set up.

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Re: Loosing up boards

Post by Natho » Sun May 13, 2012 4:42 pm

I would say that the issue you are having with your forehand turns has far more to do with technique than fins. From a technique point of view I reckon forehand turns off the top are harder than backhand and more technique is required. backhand turns are easier IMO because you have your body weight behind you through the turn which naturally pushes you around and back into the wave. On a forehand top turn you have to create the momentum more by twisting your body through the turn.focus on twisting your body around through the turn and facing where you want your board to go may help. Forehand top turns have always been my own weakness too.Ive been working on it by focusing on twisting my body right around through the turn.Using your arms to lead and point where you want your board to go seems to help.its made a huge difference for me.Watch Fanning or Slater through forehand top turns and how much of a role body torque plays in their technique.

I'm not saying I'm any expert but I reckon the whole change of fins thing will make little difference.just get a standard set of fins, leave em in and work on technique.

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Re: Loosing up boards

Post by Donweather » Mon May 14, 2012 1:07 pm

I agree whole heartedly with Natho.

And to be honest, if your're struggling to pivot with K2.1s in then it aint the fins either IMO. K2.1s are one of the most pivotey fins out there. It's like snowboarding. Wherever you're looking is wherever you'll end up, so turn your head, shoulders will then follow, upper body will follow and finally the lower body and board will come around too. As Natho said. Watch Slater et al and watch how much he moves his head and upper body.

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Re: Loosing up boards

Post by Freestyler » Tue May 15, 2012 11:08 am

Agree with both Natho and Donweather and have started concenrating on turning with open shoulders, also ensuring back foot planted squarely over tail pad. Was interested in fin options others may use to loosen up a step up and guns, some opt for much bigger side fins (one usually see in fishes) and a very small centre, while others go for smaller all round. Agree K2.1 most pivoty around. TC's whiteline and redlines are a great drivey fin with quick release tips, but whitelines too small for step up and redline are a big fin for a light surfer, shame they not make one in the middle. Finding just right mid-range board always difficult, debate over extra length vs smaller but with more flotation
Many thanks

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Re: Loosing up boards

Post by Natho » Tue May 15, 2012 11:30 am

I wouldn't get to caught up with changing fins at this stage. The board should perform well with just your standard go to set of fins.As you have already said, you are finding the whole fin thing confusing anyway.Changing fins won't make you a better surfer, and they won't make a bad or wrong board good ( not that I'm saying this is the case with you). Plus fins get damn expensive.

Possibly you just need to ride your step up in bigger/ steeper waves, and then I think you will find the board is plenty loose enough. You may just be battling the extra length of rail in less than ideal conditions? Correct me if I am wrong but isn't the Occy board a round tail? Should be plenty loose enough rail to rail if you get your back foot back.

Keep in mind that as you start to add more rail length to a board you can tend to go a smaller fin rather than bigger but at step up level it probably does not make much difference. Stick with the K2.1s.In fact those fins with a round tail should be plenty loose enough.

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Re: Loosing up boards

Post by Freestyler » Tue May 15, 2012 11:38 am

Yep Occy is round tail and does have a nice smooth turn. Will be sticking with K2.1s as the combo goes great on my smaller Occy.

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Re: Loosing up boards

Post by pinhead » Wed May 16, 2012 5:36 pm

I think the issue is more about the board. 6'3" x 19 x 2 3/8 is a lot of foam for a 65 kg guy to throw around.

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Re: Loosing up boards

Post by Freestyler » Wed May 16, 2012 5:55 pm

Pinhead, I thought that too, wondered whether should have gone 18 3/4, but opted for 19 wide to get paddling power for bigger waves. Got to admit, few 6' lefts on my backhand on recent Ments trip, the board flew, so hoping stomping backfoot over tail should do the job.
Like i mentioned earlier about getting mid range board right, balance between length and padling power.
Perhaps, instead of going longer, better to opt for something like the Rusty Slayer, keep it short but wider upfront, pulled in back.

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Re: Loosing up boards

Post by damo666 » Thu May 17, 2012 7:53 am

Freestyler wrote:Perhaps, instead of going longer, better to opt for something like the Rusty Slayer, keep it short but wider upfront, pulled in back.
I'm not so sure on the whole shorter/wider thing anymore?

I'm 5'11", after following the crowd with a few boards less than my height in the past few years, I am really enjoying being back on something over 6'2" and feel like I have a bit more squirt through turns (and if I really think about it, some of the 'best' and most enjoyable surfing I've done over the past years was on a 6'6")

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Re: Loosing up boards

Post by alakaboo » Thu May 17, 2012 9:42 am

I think shorter/wider can work, it depends more on the outline curve, rocker etc.
As you said, a slightly bigger/step up board is a hard one to get right.

If you increase length but don't change other dimensions, then it will typically end up with a straighter outline. It will then surf a bit straighter, which sounds like it's your real problem, as pointed out by Natho.
Natho wrote:You may just be battling the extra length of rail in less than ideal conditions?
I also think it's probably too much board for your weight. I'm normally guilty of doing the same thing, rarely do you actually need a big increase in volume for a step-up (guns are a different story), you just want them to cover a bit more ground.
I normally surf a 5'10 or 5'1", I got a 6'3 1/2" with a straight outline but I'm coming back down to 6'1-6'2" and a more 'normal' curve as I found it was too big a jump.
I'm 6' and about 75kgs if that helps.

I think the outline of the Slayer looks alright, as it says it is essentially a cut down board 4" longer, so don't go too long or you'll end up with the same problem.

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Re: Loosing up boards

Post by Natho » Thu May 17, 2012 12:09 pm

In general for me I keep the dimensions the same for my step up as I do for my standard shorty. I just add 2-3 inches in length and I like to add a rounded pin tail. But that is me and it may not work for everyone.

When my shaper is doing my standard high performance shorty, I like to get the step up done at the same time as the twin brother.That way changing between boards is more seamless.

Get your technique right Freestyler in good waves you should be able to still throw that board around.Goodluck and post up some pics when you are rippin on it. :mrgreen:

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Re: Loosing up boards

Post by pinhead » Thu May 17, 2012 8:43 pm

Hmm, maybe you could try these supercharger things Beerfan had in his board. Check the page 70 of the Josh Dowling Thread:

http://forum.realsurf.com/forum/downloa ... &mode=view

Beery says-

"Hey guys, the "supercharger" is much like a twinzer in theory. The idea is the small fin creates turbulence, so that the main fin ends up moving through turbulent water, reducing drag on the main fin. I had a keel fish a while ago, that i added superchargers too. Faaark me i t felt much more "free" off the top ( got hung up less ), and top speed came very quick. After putting them in, i never took them out"

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