Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

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TroppoDoc OZ

Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by TroppoDoc OZ » Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:29 pm

Hey All,
Anyone want to contribute to this fund appeal?
Derek saved Longbum, remember him?
Will post detail regarding accounts if response and non stupidity is displayed.
Any amount will do, thanks, could be you stuck next time!!

PM me if you need proof of this..

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Re: Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by mustkillmulloway » Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:42 pm

yeah...i am interested

but the cause won't go far with me missing out on a weeks worth beer :?:

what do you really need :?:

what do you dream off being able deliver :?:

i with ya...but it's never gonna's indo after all :roll:

australias health system is hardly first rate :idea:

where u start :?: begins at home :?:
reginald wrote:Hang on, now all of a sudden I'm the bad guy. How the try again did that happen?

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Re: Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by Faniel » Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:55 pm

hi TroppodocOZ,

I am keen to help out Dr Derek in anyway i can.
after spending a few days with him in 2007 whilst doing some 'independant' travel and surfing around Telo islands, and helping out during a village clinic one morning, it was really inspiring.

I agree with M.K.Mulloway on this though, what other practical things can be done for Derek?

i work in the medical/health industry, i would love to be able to send up all the out of date pharmaceuticals that just gets thrown away down here.

if i set up an official programm ie. made it legitimate. would he be keen?
where would they go and what does he need most?

Cheers Fan.

P.M me if needed

TroppoDoc OZ

Re: Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by TroppoDoc OZ » Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:05 pm

Thanks for your replies,

Just got off the phone to Dr Derek in Indo.
Faniel, will PM you with requests and may have to call you by voice.

MKM, keep your beer and charity at home, hope you don't need a hand one day.

TroppoDoc OZ

Re: Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by TroppoDoc OZ » Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:21 pm

PM me please, will let you know what Derek needs, send your number.
Am Dumb, can't get PM to work.

We raised $12408.00 in December for Derek at Whale Beach.
A good night for all, hey mkm, we had beer there too

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Re: Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by mustkillmulloway » Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:34 pm


i'm not going ruin your good thread by taking the bait :D

i am keen support

i just fail see how the $30 i can afford is actually going be any help :?:

what else of a practical nature could i do :?

i've supported main stream efforts for years

till i relized my donation was barely covering the endless phone and mail blitz begging me for more alms :roll:

what is the aim :?:

how will we know where been success full :?:

you come asking

but have told very little :?
reginald wrote:Hang on, now all of a sudden I'm the bad guy. How the try again did that happen?

TroppoDoc OZ

Re: Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by TroppoDoc OZ » Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:54 pm

Cheers both of you so far,
I do not benefit from this in any way.
pm me for personal detail if you want to

I am trying to raise funds for a guy that rescued a mate, google (island hopping flying doctor) check out the brief story.
Check out

Surfing can only benefit from it.

Don't need dribble on this thread boys.

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Re: Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by puurri » Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:43 am

TroppoDoc OZ wrote:Cheers both of you so far,
I do not benefit from this in any way.
pm me for personal detail if you want to

I am trying to raise funds for a guy that rescued a mate, google (island hopping flying doctor) check out the brief story.
Check out

Surfing can only benefit from it.

Don't need dribble on this thread boys.
Been to Wirramanu lately? Read the RACS report into 4th world health conditions? (right up there with Rwanda and the Congo)

TroppoDoc OZ

Re: Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by TroppoDoc OZ » Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:39 pm

Thanks to those who PM'ed me.
Spoke with Derek last night Aus time.
Make it clear, I am in NSW just south of the Gong, got involved when my mate Longbum got hurt.

I do not accept or make any benefit from any of the posts/actions or time I spend doing these things, they are purely from my stupidity and want to help.
It has in fact cost me & my family somewhere up to $5k Aud so far.

Derek Allen needs:
Anti Inflams
Anti Acid & Ulcer treatments
Skin Preps for skin diseases
Skin creams & ointments
Blood pressure antis
Pain reliefs, Panadol, Panadeine Forte, Aspirin & whatever we can get together.
Reading glasses ($5 at the local servo) no not the bottle shop idiots.

Derek advises me up to 2 yrs out of date, no probs.

I'd guess surgical instruments would not go astray either.

Cheers All, PM me if you want more detail.

TroppoDoc OZ

Re: Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by TroppoDoc OZ » Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:16 pm

This is a simple cause for a simple plan.

How many 3rd - 4th world countries are there?

Why aren't you helping them instead of reading?
Correct me if I'm wrong,

How many Governments are there in these places ?

I am a simple man who runs a business and volunteers to try and help a mate directly and his saviour indirectly.
Why crucify me for nothing?
Get a life boyo!
I'm 46 yrs old and still trying to help others.

Negative, smart replies do not endear me to anyone, are you trying to change a worthwhile thread?
Check the subject, buddy!!

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Re: Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by puurri » Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:39 pm

TroppoDoc OZ wrote:Purealist,
This is a simple cause for a simple plan.

How many 3rd - 4th world countries are there?

Why aren't you helping them instead of reading?
Correct me if I'm wrong,

How many Governments are there in these places ?

I am a simple man who runs a business and volunteers to try and help a mate directly and his saviour indirectly.
Why crucify me for nothing?
Get a life boyo!
I'm 46 yrs old and still trying to help others.

Negative, smart replies do not endear me to anyone, are you trying to change a worthwhile thread?
Check the subject, buddy!!
Tsk, tsk mugilah
No wukkas, just a reality check for the "masses" . And I do endorse MKM's somewhat "in your face " cryptic posts. Easy google get you a big STFU perhap?

TroppoDoc OZ

Re: Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by TroppoDoc OZ » Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:22 pm

Onya mate
A big STFU to you too
Gee can't you keep things in civil context
Fcuk off if you don't like a cause
Yeah forums these can be fun to carp on each other, however how do you think Longbum feels.

Wake up clown, think of someone besides yourself or don't post

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Re: Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by TMC » Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:12 pm

Troppodoc you wouldn't happen to work in a practice in manning st would you?
Coops@DY wrote:Tangents is a members only, wild west style frontier. People have lost their minds, cried, threatened to kill other members in here Its great!

TroppoDoc OZ

Re: Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by TroppoDoc OZ » Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:41 pm

NO, Manning St? Where
Read the thread mate!!
Ain't no Manning St in the Gong..............
Think there is one in Kiama.
BTW don't' have practices, only vehicles.
God it's hard to get real support here eh.
Everybody wants to question.
Just a mate of Longbums who has taken a cause on.

pm me if you want to talk to see if I'm REAL

Known and lived near the Longy's for about 35 yrs.
Does that give a clue?

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Re: Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by lessormore » Mon Jan 12, 2009 12:11 am

It doesn't matter who you are or what your cause is, abusing people aint going to get you much charity round here. Have a look around and you may see that the majority of posts are people takin the piss out of each other.If you can't handle that then you've got no hope of success . Bit like going to a brothel looking for a wife.And you might notice that the Mentawais aint the flavour of the month after the dribble put out by Mentalfcukwit
Best wishes to Longy/DR Derek but they'd do better with someone with a bit more tact than you.
Just when you thought life couldn't get any worse-

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Re: Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by TMC » Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:26 am

TroppoDoc OZ wrote:Make it clear, I am in NSW just south of the Gong, got involved when my mate Longbum got hurt.
Sorry I mistook you for someone who is an intelligent doctor who runs a practice in manning st kiama (south of the gong) who spent a lot of time in acheh after the tsunamis and still goes back there to help.

See the reason why he is intelligent is because he doesnt present himself annonymously on forums asking for money, and then get pissed off when people question him, his motives and his credentials. Although you may think it helps by repeatedly informing us that you know longbum and lived next to him for 30 years etc. wont give you credibility amongst this bunch.

Like lessor said, abusing people isn't the smartest way to get someone onside. You seem to be a very agressive person troppodoc, is there any chance you know where mona vale retravision is?
Coops@DY wrote:Tangents is a members only, wild west style frontier. People have lost their minds, cried, threatened to kill other members in here Its great!

TroppoDoc OZ

Re: Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by TroppoDoc OZ » Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:34 pm

Wow, reaction.
Tact you say I need, no worries guys, I'll be tactful from here on in.
Anonymous, how many clues do you need -
Don't see your names up in lights anywhere here.

Have had 2 positive responses from this forum and they may turn into something that can help Dr Derek

Who mentioned money as the only way to help?

As far as taking the pi*s out of each other, I didn't open this forum for that to happen, it was done as I have stated for a cause.
2nd Reef, NC and others have told me to have faith in all of you RS crew, ideas welcome, see earlier post for what Dr Derek told me will be useful.

Settle petals, out to help not hurt or annoy..........however some posts have had the ability to get me wondering why I try to do some things only to cop abuse back.

Why would I get an STFU from Puurri cos I replied to a post he wrote?

I do apologise for the starting post here, just reread it and it does seem as though it was coin only that was required. Ideas from some and a chat with Derek has changed this somewhat.

Hows that for tact eh.
Cheers, hope your opinions change and worthwhile ideas flood in that I can take to Troppodoc HQ

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Re: Mentawais Rescue/Dr Derek Allen Fund

Post by puurri » Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:54 pm

Frankly my STFU was a response that if you would apply your obvious organisational and administrative talents to find my identity you could EASILY know my "where from", age, affiliations; and committment to the cause of alleviation of the 4th world conditions HERE, that is access to adequate health, education and housing IN THIS COUNTRY.

Last DEC I was at a Canberra gig on the history of Indigenous health service(s).
In short I was talking to a retired health worker, a cuzzo of mine from the days of the 70's trachoma program who saw it all. As a local Kimberley woman (Walmajarri) she said that the sitrep was the same as the 70's except that blow'in kartiya health workers did their mea culpa "colonial service" under the guise of "smoothing the dying pillow" (as frocking always) and blew out a month later. AND THE HEALTH OUTCOMES HARDLY DIFFERED. The best result option is that IN ANY SOCIETY people who want to contribute are in it for the long haul and for best practice the health workers are locals.

As a footnote RACS (royal oz college of surgeons) had released a report that confirmed the matter.

Perhap you might concentrate your mind to a longer term solution eh?

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