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Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:58 pm
by Yuke Hunt
Storm in a teacup ... media beat-up.

So someone called someone else a Jew ... really.

Now maybe just maybe this someone considered the other someones actions to be Jew-like ... as in the stereotypical Jewish stereotype. You know that of the money hungry money lender or wealthy landlord who strive only to increase there fortune ... and care little of the suffering caused to others in the process.
People who are miserly tight fisted deep pocketed penny pinches get called Jews or Jewish on a daily basis. No really they do ... shock horror and amazement.
To claim it as bigoted or racist is to draw a rather long bow ... a bit over the top and a tad to politically correct me thinks.
Certainly referring to another person in a derogatory manner whilst using race ... gender or sexual preference as a central point in the argument can and does leave the protagonist open to being labeled as a bigot or racist.
BUT ... and this is where the borders becomes a bit blurred ... its the context of the statement that is of vital importance in deducing whether someone has overstepped the boundaries.
I have heard someone state when referring to an exceptionally hard worker that ... he works like a n-i-g-g-e-r. A racist comment no doubt ... and here comes that BUT ... its a compliment. A politically incorrect racist compliment ... now there's a conundrum of some magnitude ... especially since it involves the N word.
Lets leave our hard working dark skinned one alone for a moment and return to our Jewish friend once more.
The comment that was apparently directed towards this seemingly rather unpopular and uninvited gate crashing parasite of prose ... was in my opinion not motivated in anyway by racism or bigotry. It may be construed to contain undertones of the like ... but in the context of the conversation it was simply an observation on the behavior of the Muck-raker.
Given the opportunity again I'm sure old mate would use a different turn of phrase ... oh well ... shit happens.

In the drawing of long bows ... the possibility of another plausible explanation arises ... maybe the phrase was piscatorial ... and was in fact referring to the journalists head looking rather remarkably like that of a mulloway.

Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:30 pm
by Shane Peel
jimmy1501 wrote:
Nick Carroll wrote:
steve shearer wrote:Huh Nick?

How can you say you like the guy?

Your saying he's clueless about Pro surfing (which he makes a living writing about) and that he's basically a pus-filled chancre on the body of the noble pursuit of surf journalism.

Please explain.
Hmmm shit I don't know! I really don't always know why I like some people and not others. I didn't think much of what he did in the lead-up to this case but what the hell, that's just me -- I wouldn't tear strips off someone all year long without any effort to appreciate what he was trying to achieve, then go to his celebratory party in an effort to get a story out of it. Or at least I haven't yet.

But you know it is possible that everyone's reading a bit too much into all this. Sorta vaguely watching the thread to see who's the first to bring up Hitler.
:lol: :lol: And the fact that Mick looks a bit like an Aryan Poster Boy... :shock: :shock:
Oh how could we have all missed that Jimmy! Aryan poster boy screaming jewish insults at conquering party when he was king of the world this is just too fertile for some humor come on RS Monsters at least this thread can bring us a bunch of laughs now!!!!!!! Dino if you will …

Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:33 pm
by 3 prong
Mick has to realise or be coached better by Rip Curl(like athletes in other sports globally are) that anything that comes out of his mouth at anytime sober/pissed is a quote to a journo unless he's already agreed before hand with said journo to discuss a subject "off the record" e.g the alternative pro tour...
Mick and Steph were both nominated(congrats Steph) for the Laureus awards putting our sport again on a global stage that the competitors(prize money) product pushers(advertising) etc all crave and vision going forward.
If this quote came out of the mouth of other nominees/ winners that night Usain Bolt/Serena Williams/Kim Clisters imagine the uproar.
Hopefully Mick learns the media is a double edged sword and his increased global profile/pay packet goes with it.

Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:36 pm
by matt...
Buff_Brad wrote:
daryl wrote:I have a westie "mate" who calls people and things jew, jewish and he's 100% clueless what it is. Think he means someone has more money than him.

Isn't the point of some of the issue, that Jews weren't allowed to own property and their only recourse was to trade?

There's a gap in history, it's missing from public school primary education, I think.

Exactly and that's what Smith so efficiently portrays. Ignorance.

So fcuking what if Smith doesn't know what it's like to surf in the Pipeline Masters. Hello!!!...there's only a couple on here (prob one) that does know. That's not CS's skill set...His skill set is getting the story and he got it cnuts ....... and what an insight....better than the dribble we normally get....all the hero worshipping bullshit.....fcuking hell. :roll:

Matt , you dumb shit , there's a diff between taking the piss and outright vitriol .
so, it's not OK for a pro surfer to do it publicly, but it's OK for a f.u(kn LOSER to do it on a public forum.
right. got it!
now repeat after me, BB: H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E
say it again!
as always, one rule for BB, one for everyone else!
you're a waste of good oxygen... :roll:
have another line.... go on!

Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:16 pm
by steve shearer
Pardon Moi Iggs?
since when did you become the Mr Byron bay Praiser of All Things?

umm..SE QLD anyone? went to that Wild Man Workshop didn't you?
Hope you took Dino with you.
Actually he's been pretty fcuking Buddhist ever since he came back.

Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:46 pm
by Kunji

Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:27 pm
by Davros
Stab will sell more mags - great exposure for a crappy mag. Misson complete.

Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:34 pm
by Cpt.Caveman
That journo is burning his bridges for sure though...All Mick Fanning loyalists or anyone who found the journo's use of his words distasteful and dishonest will close a lot of doors for him. Sucker...he thinks he's doing a good job! He probably put himself in a creative corner after reading one of Steve Shearers articles...

Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:38 pm
Funny, I'm 25% European jew and never cared about being called names - guess I gave as good as I got..desensitised to name calling I suppose. In the Navy I was posted to HMAS Ovens once, as a joke the captain of my previous boat announced to the entire ships company how humourous it was to post a f@#cking jew to an Oven :D :D :D I was the first one to start laughing.

This is the same argument as the Red Faces black and white minstrel routine. The baggage that goes with all of these inappropriate words / acts just isn't as big a piece of our cultural makeup that it is in the US

Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:54 pm
by Kunji

Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:21 pm
by Chong
Davros wrote:Stab will sell more mags
They will probably lose some Rip Curl advertising dollars as well (if they did advertise with them).

Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:43 pm
by Deesee
Nick Carroll wrote: Sorta vaguely watching the thread to see who's the first to bring up Hitler.
What about all the good things Hitler did?

1) He unified the German people and helped them regain their sense of pride
2) Stabilized the German economy and eliminated foreign debt
3) He instituted the standardized schedule
for the German train system and a standardized measurement for rail cars
4) Created the modern autobahn system
5) Encouraged the development of the Volkswagen
6) Instituted the Kindergarten system
7) Encouraged the development of jet aircraft, and rocket development.
8. He killed himself.
achievements.jpeg (18.93 KiB) Viewed 5027 times

Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:43 pm
by steve shearer

Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:49 pm
by Skipper
matt... wrote:why DID you coin the phrase "Belljew Hill" BB?
are you a bigoted, eastern suburbs ignorant snob?
do you look down on the jewish community in the Bondi area?
maybe you despise them because you have to rub shoulders with them daily?
or did they steal your parking spot?

explain your anti-jew jibes, BB?
I may be mistaken, but didn't that comment originate in your post Matt? In Damage's AOTW thread, during a vitriolic rally between you and BB?
A search'll confirm

Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:52 pm
by Skipper
Deesee wrote:
Nick Carroll wrote: Sorta vaguely watching the thread to see who's the first to bring up Hitler.
What about all the good things Hitler did?

1) He unified the German people and helped them regain their sense of pride
2) Stabilized the German economy and eliminated foreign debt
3) He instituted the standardized schedule
for the German train system and a standardized measurement for rail cars
4) Created the modern autobahn system
5) Encouraged the development of the Volkswagen
6) Instituted the Kindergarten system
7) Encouraged the development of jet aircraft, and rocket development.
8. He killed himself.
And he didn't mess wiss sloppy shapers!

Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:53 pm
by Trev
^^^Nope. Buffy used it first.

Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:01 pm
by Skipper
I'll stand corrected. Your the 'owl'

Re: F******g J*w

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:13 pm
by Skipper
another seniors (weak) moment. twice already.
newbie to grommet momentum too much for me.