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Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:01 am
by marcus
one last question
seeing as out west in the middle of australia, billabong is more popular than on the coast, will billabong be bringing out a range of circle work ute mud flaps?

they have RM williams and Bundaberg rum mudflaps.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:24 am
by ric_vidal
Ringmaster wrote:as long as their bottom line is still kicking arse
Stringer, you put a lot of thought into that. :D

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:43 am
by kreepykrawly
Ringmaster wrote:I'm tipping the f##kers won't give a rats arse about any 'feedback' from the likes of this website as long as their bottom line is still kicking arse.
Likewise the flipside of that is that no one on here really gives a fark what THEY have to say cept a few surf journos looking for extra material for the next publication.

NC.. couldn’t you rather seek a private sitting with George Bush and ask him what the fuck is he up too?” That would be interesting.

Some said it once before>> “if you don’t like it or have any moral obligation to buying the products …..don’t buy em”

Ric are you Buffed Brad ? :shock:

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:53 am
by Nick Carroll
kreepykrawly wrote:Likewise the flipside of that is that no one on here really gives a fark what THEY have to say cept a few surf journos looking for extra material for the next publication.
I think the response to the thread suggests otherwise.

And you know the surf industry has been burned before for ignoring the direction of hardcore surfing sentiment at a difficult economic time.

I think they will be interested enough.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:58 am
by kreepykrawly
Nick Carroll wrote:
kreepykrawly wrote:Likewise the flipside of that is that no one on here really gives a fark what THEY have to say cept a few surf journos looking for extra material for the next publication.
I think the response to the thread suggests otherwise.

And you know the surf industry has been burned before for ignoring the direction of hardcore surfing sentiment at a difficult economic time.

I think they will be interested enough.
5 f-cking posts to catch a "Carrol fish !!!"

...just found the right bait in the end :lol: :lol: :lol:

Im going up the coast now. Back in a week. See ya.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:02 am
by AndyTheMan
I have been wading through tis thread for the past couple of days as people have added comments.....

Seems to me that if someone had the balls, they could start up a 'new' surf brand which encompassed all of the things people seemed concerned about.....

What about a company that promises that they will support local manufacturing industries, local board-makers, will ensure that people's testes are as rash free as possible whilst pumping 50% of their profit back into the surfing environment (artificial reef's, cleaning up beaches, environmental awareness campaigns, programs to keep girlfriends/wives entertained whilst the guys go surfing, killing SUP riders etc)...

So, who's gonna put their house on the line......

Wish I had the balls cause looks like there would be a huge market for such a company to take some market share from the big boys....

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:28 am
by wanto
you're missing one key ingredient there theman. can you guess what it is?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:59 am
by Surfin Turf
AndyTheMan wrote:programs to keep girlfriends/wives entertained whilst the guys go surfing....
I'm up for entertaining the ladies ......

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 12:36 pm
by bro
I have watched this thread with interest and to be honest have been horrified with what has been written.

A Lot of people have commented on how the surf companies have created over crowding in the water but not one of you has said HOW they have done this, oh apart from MASS MARKETING. Funny thing is when I did my marketing degree this topic was never covered how f ucking stupid am I, I just need to mass market my product and I will be like Billabong.

Secondly, the comments on the price of boardshorts and how they only cost $1 to make but sell for $90. Why make uninformed comments when you obviously know nothing about what you are talking about.

All your comments on environmental issues how many of you actual practise what you expect these companies to do? I bet very few.

As for looking after team riders after their use by date, what about personal responsibility? The brands don't ask kids to drop out of school, what about the kids parents grounding him about what is important in life?

I could go on and on but I don't see the point some comments are so ridiculous.

Yes I might work in the industry but I try and put everything into perspective and take responsibilty for myself and not blame others.

Personally I think a lot of you are jealous you don't have the opportunity to work in something you are passionate about

so come on bring on the hate mail :D

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 12:38 pm
by Nick Carroll
kreepykrawly wrote:5 f-cking posts to catch a "Carrol fish !!!"

...just found the right bait in the end :lol: :lol: :lol:

Im going up the coast now. Back in a week. See ya.
bastard! you'll never know how close I came to biting earlier. :lol:

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:05 pm
by ric_vidal
bro wrote:Secondly, the comments on the price of boardshorts and how they only cost $1 to make but sell for $90. Why make uninformed comments when you obviously know nothing about what you are talking about.
Don’t think anyone really believes there quoted figures Bro, it’s just an example of perhaps punters seeing margins that aren’t there or more importantly question the perceived value which isn’t.

Can understand your frustration, most people know four-fifths of f-all of how other business/industries work let alone individual functions.
bro wrote:Personally I think a lot of you are jealous you don't have the opportunity to work in something you are passionate about
What, being a salesman of sorts or running your own gig? Bro, you can have it... surfing is about surfing so at least you balance your act with some good time in the water. Talking to knuckleheads in the industry and trying to get them to buy next season’s collection, well that’s gunna need some real passion. :? Quite frankly those that I have met are about as intelligent as your average dropkick. :twisted: Some exceptions of course.

You want passion, go make a board.

How come I always feel I am singling you out :?: Note to self, stop doing it. I’ll blame Carroll & Creased. :D

Every success to you Bro :!:

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:11 pm
by Lucky Al
it's bro again! LET'S GET HIM!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:55 pm
by bro
Its ok RV it's my abrupt attitude I know it but that was the tamed down version :D

Perhaps they were examples but they were constantly repeated, things are not that cheap in China any more and I thought there were a lot of intelligent people with life experience on these forums who would understand that and if you don't then please don't ark up like you do, I do find it a bit red rag to a bull

I agree the industry lacks a certain amount of um intellect at times thanks to a 'jobs for the boys" attitude and the "shred equals cred" mentality, but believe me there are some good people who are in it for the right reasons and that is to surf and be with like minded people, much like these forums.
I do it because I can surf every day 3 times a day. I came form a marketing financial services back ground so for me it is all about time in the water, work trips to great surf loactions and meeting some (not all) good people

The industry is not all bad and out to ruin nay ones time in the water even if it might look that way from the outside

And RV my first love is boards if I could that is what I would be doing but just like shaping them there is no money or decent jobs selling them :(

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:15 pm
by ric_vidal
bro wrote:Its ok RV it's my abrupt attitude I know it but that was the tamed down version :D
Full marks for the delivery :D it was well weighted.
bro wrote:And RV my first love is boards if I could that is what I would be doing but just like shaping them there is no money or decent jobs selling them :(
Yes you are right, but I don’t do it for the money. Sort of mislead you - mixed passion versus survival.

Be still, wave come. :wink:

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:32 pm
by channels
Bro - Not wanting to get in a slanging match but....

I was the first person to raise the $90 boardshort question. Not an uninformed comment but a question from a surfer on why they cost so much. There was no uninformed comment or an assumption of a $1 cost price. I'm a CFO by day so understand marins more than most. If the answer is "the demand is there at that price" than so be it.

As for the environmental issues, my point was that the big three have such a significant profit that they are best placed to be able to invest in R&D to reduce the environmental toxicity of surfboards. I guess the key is explaining this to institutional investors of why the drop in profit to do this.

Personally don't think that these three companies have done any more to overcrowd the breaks than the Gidget flicks did in the 60's.

I'm big on personal responsibility as well but notice how clubs in the AFL these days are big on ensuring their players take a trade qualification part time or educate themselves for life after footy. When your the age these guys are (I know I did) you know everything, and a push to help people prepare for life after the sponsorship gravytrain stops is a good thing. Should parents push this, yeah they probably should. Do they? Probably not enough.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:18 pm
by AndyTheMan
clay wrote:Bro - Not wanting to get in a slanging match but.....


RUN.....Here come the teachers........................

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:39 pm
by bro
No worries Clay, not a slanging match just opinions. Are you are CFO in a manufacturing company that manufacture in China?

Margins made on boardies are no more than any other items. The manufacturer makes 100%, retailer 100% but you have to remember that is off a low base and out of that needs to come all the overheads that you as a CFO know full well. So on a $90 boardshort the wholesaler (me, Billy etc) makes about $20 and the retailer makes $40. Yet we do all their marketing, pay team riders etc. So get mad at the retalier he makes more money than I do :D

All companies need to and should do more to protect our environment as we all should, but try telling investors their returns are down but the business is more environmentally sound, it won't wash unfortunatly. Maybe if they had stayed private this could have been avoided.

NFL also have major drug and alchohol issues and idol hands make for the devils work. I think parents should be first held accountable before the companies get balmed because little Johnny left school to chase a dream and now he has nothing to fall back on, but thats just my opinion.
