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Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 7:30 pm
by Nick Carroll
I would like to have Waves please because it is so completely appalling, perhaps the worst surf magazine ever sold on a regular basis on Australian newsstands.

Don't need ASL or Tracks, I already get 'em. Likewise Surfing and Surfer. Don't need SW because it just runs what ASL and Tracks have to reject on the basis of length. Don't want Surfer's Path because it's just too Kookocratic -- trying to be soulful with no basis in the editorial staff's experience. TSJ has the occasional gem but to my mind is overrated and Cali-centric.

But Waves. Jeez. S**t like that doesn't come along every day. It's sooo bad it's almost good. But only almost.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 8:22 pm
by Butts
I'll admit it, I did buy it once :shock:

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:02 am
by 2nd Reef
Nick Carroll wrote:Don't want Surfer's Path because it's just too Kookocratic -- trying to be soulful with no basis in the editorial staff's experience.
Oh c'mon NC! Why are they kookocratic? (deliberate non-use of capital letter)

Just cause Surfers Path doesn't solely cover the top end of surfing? Cause they're not all about performance?

To me, SP covers surfing in a collective way. A Democratic way even (deliberate use of capital letter there). Lesser surfers get as much coverage as the top end, as long as they are transfering the excitement and wonder in an articulate and entertaining way.

And whats this about trying to be soulful? They are the only magazine with a long-standing and consistent enviro stance. They've used vegetable inks to print for quite a while. Certainly long before the public started pushing the green line. In fact, while all other mags were, actually still are, printing on gloss, SP had the flat matt aesthetics of soy ink. Big risk that; costs more and looks different.


Look at the space they give to Dr Tony Butt. Cant think of any other mag that provides articles of length on such topics. Artificial reefs, ocean pollution, changing weather patterns etc etc.. SP is the only mag running comprehensive articles on those topics. Aussie mags might pay lip service to cater to the current whims but if you want comprehensive & detailed coverage, SP is the first and last stop.

Perhaps your argument is that a magazine that covers so many facets of surfing, that is so egalitarian, doesn't pay enough attention to the top end? And in doing so does the best surfers in the world a disservice.

Perhaps it does.

But then who really cares? I can see the best surfers in the world surfing live at each comp with my broadband conection. Thats all I really care for them. God knows none of them have anything intelligent to say, so why have interviews with them or stories about them. What a waste of paper.

Lets hear what everyone else that surfs has to say!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:15 am
by 2nd Reef
Shit, I just read through my post and realised that Surfers Path IS kookocratic as defined by Carroll (Kookocracy, Carroll N, Realsurf 2006).

Oh...well f*ck it.

If that's what it means to enjoy surfing on all different levels then viva la kookocracy!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:15 am
by swift
Does anyone remember DEEP.
That was a pretty good mag.
It only lasted about 12 months I think???

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:17 am
by 2nd Reef
^^^Is that you NC?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:14 pm
by Kunji
I like Movement magazine.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:40 pm
by Grooter
I don't mind ASL and usually get it.

Although I wish they would:
a) Stop using ganster ghetto rap and death metal on their DVD's. Not that I dislike the music but when I'm trying to chill watching them it's a little difficult to relax.
b) Get rid of the poster girl bimbos, seriously they aren't much chop anyway and ZOO is now only $2.00 so even tweenies in need of a w@nk are unlikely to use it.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:59 pm
by Butts
Hatchman, yeah don't mind ASL have purchased it a number of times. 8)

Mainly for the surfing pics though. :wink:

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:34 pm
by getxo
The demise of Australian Surfer's Journal and magazines like Deep make you despair. Maybe this colours NC's take on the kookacratic (or whatever silly word he used) magazines. Bit hard to take when crap thrives and quality dies on the vine.Surfer's Journal becomes a bit more realistic if you subscribe. Surfing World is worth a look these days.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:43 pm
by The Mighty Sunbird
I like ASL its funny appeals to my inner adolescent. And the poster girls are tops I like to put them on the wall at home so my wife can rip them down.
Used to enjoy tracks until you guys exposed it as a sinister front for gangster localism. And I saw one too many shots of tow ins to waves that are ridiculous. All forms of porn get boring eventually.
Surfer's Path is too earnest which for me translates as BORING. I'm all for the environment but dont need to read about the latest battle over sewer pipes in the U.K.
Surfer for me. Best photos and their journalists seem to write with some knowledge, stoke and brains.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:31 pm
by Nick Carroll
2nd Reef wrote:Shit, I just read through my post and realised that Surfers Path IS kookocratic as defined by Carroll (Kookocracy, Carroll N, Realsurf 2006).

Oh...well f*ck it.

If that's what it means to enjoy surfing on all different levels then viva la kookocracy!
Well I'm only talking personally, viva Surfer's Path if it's selling heaps to a devoted readership, I'm just not into it because it doesn't stoke me and I think that's partly because I see nothing new or exciting in the magazine ... it's not running ahead of the curve the way a really good mag does.

It's odd really, 'cause once, pretty much every surf mag was ahead of the curve, as was surfing itself, way ahead of the social curve. Now surfing's part of Normal Life, most of the mags do what normal mags do: ie fight it out for the same readership, with limited budgets and aims.

Actually get most stoked right now by the mag I work with in the US, Surfing, Evan S is an excellent editor and gives everyone on staff a really good shot at making interesting articles, trips happen etc, the other writers on staff are always blowing me out with smart incisive work (Nathan Myers is a standout) and the photography is unbelievable.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:40 pm
by Apehammer
As much as it pains me to do so, I have to agree with NC — the American mags crap all over the Aussie titles at the moment. Surfer's my pick, with Surfing a close second. The standard of journalism is much higher, and on average they sustain six to eight visits to the toilet (number twos), compared to three visits for the Aussie titles. The latest issue of Surfer is massive, and it costs less than ten bucks.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:45 pm
by collnarra
no one has mentioned stab yet... as I've said before, they gave the australian surf mags a much needed kick up the arse. Dunno what they think they're doing charging $12 for the latest issue tho ... are they deliberately trying to discourage people from buying the mag?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:54 pm
by mustkillmulloway
collnarra wrote:no one has mentioned stab yet... as I've said before, they gave the australian surf mags a much needed kick up the arse. Dunno what they think they're doing charging $12 for the latest issue tho ... are they deliberately trying to discourage people from buying the mag?
i haven't checked out stab......maybe i will :wink:

p.s your right about the prices....i mean even @ $7 .....i can find the better pictures and better articles on the net for free :idea:

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 5:16 pm
by Jamoe
Is STAB still floating around? I have never seen a greater load of dribble as STAB... oh wait a minute, WAVES haha

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 5:29 pm
by Eski
None, they're all shi t.
same pics, same articles every month
Half the magazine is ads anyway.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:09 pm
by Beanpole
2nd Reef wrote:
And whats this about trying to be soulful? They are the only magazine with a long-standing and consistent enviro stance. They've used vegetable inks to print for quite a while. Certainly long before the public started pushing the green line. In fact, while all other mags were, actually still are, printing on gloss, SP had the flat matt aesthetics of soy ink. Big risk that; costs more and looks different.
A friend gave me an old one and I couldn't work out if it was so grungey because it was biodegradable or because he'd been reading it in the toilet :x :x :x