Yoga/Surf Fitness

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Re: Yoga/Surf Fitness

Post by Beerfan » Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:20 pm

steve shearer wrote:all of a sudden there is an influx of pomgolian learner/intermediates coming to live at lennox.

pushing up house prices and inculcating our kids with inappropriate geo-political values.

what can we do about this as a community and a nation of proud surfers?

Heaps of them here too, as well as saffas. Engineers in mines, etc. the British love range rovers. Some very nice people. Aussie wanna be rich people are the worst. The jeep/Audi q5 driving mums give me funny looks when I drop the kids off in the bombed out, busted up 10 year old falcon haha.

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Re: Yoga/Surf Fitness

Post by purple pyramids » Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:36 pm

steve shearer wrote:all of a sudden there is an influx of pomgolian learner/intermediates coming to live at lennox.
pushing up house prices and inculcating our kids with inappropriate geo-political values.

what can we do about this as a community and a nation of proud surfers?
well you do a good job of talking up the area with your stories of a soul-surfing, marxist fisho paradise on the pacific. a pomgolian would have to be an idiot, like loofy, to move anywhere else.

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Re: Yoga/Surf Fitness

Post by cosmicrich » Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:01 pm

Thanks for all the advice and encouragement :o

I think it's important to try it, but I know my fitness right now is lousy, so I need to work on that a bit. Next time I'm by the Ocean is in a few weeks, so we'll see whether I'm up to it by that point.


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Re: Yoga/Surf Fitness

Post by Cpt.Caveman » Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:28 am

If you want to get surf fit, start swimming lots of freestyle laps in the pool. The main thing that will get you tired is the constant paddling. If you get tired of paddling you're not even going to be able to get back out for another wave, let alone paddle fast enough to catch one.

Second to that are things like core strength, leg endurance, etc. Those things won't matter much until you're trying to connect turns and what not. That will take quite some time.

If you want to get fit before starting, swim almost daily laps in the pool for 1-2 months. Stand on one leg with your eyes closed twice a day for around 2-5minutes at a time to improve your balance. That'll cover it.
Davros wrote:Ego saved - surfing experience rubbish.

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Re: Yoga/Surf Fitness

Post by Animal_Chin » Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:18 pm

Cpt.Caveman wrote:If you want to get surf fit, start swimming lots of freestyle laps in the pool. The main thing that will get you tired is the constant paddling. If you get tired of paddling you're not even going to be able to get back out for another wave, let alone paddle fast enough to catch one.

Second to that are things like core strength, leg endurance, etc. Those things won't matter much until you're trying to connect turns and what not. That will take quite some time.

If you want to get fit before starting, swim almost daily laps in the pool for 1-2 months. Stand on one leg with your eyes closed twice a day for around 2-5minutes at a time to improve your balance. That'll cover it.
I reckon just go for a surf.

That'll cover it.

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Re: Yoga/Surf Fitness

Post by spork » Sat Jun 28, 2014 5:48 pm

I've got this great acronym for beginning surfers T.I.T.S. aka 'time in the surf'. Let it be your mantra "more tits more tits more tits!"
When it gets to this level of self important stupidity I lose interest.
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Re: Yoga/Surf Fitness

Post by MrMik » Sat Jun 28, 2014 6:26 pm

cosmicrich wrote:Hi,

I'd like to gently begin getting fit with a view to doing some surfing. I'd like to use Yoga as part of that process.

Can anyone recommend a good beginning Yoga book which would help push me in the right direction. I'm starting as an inflexible 40 something :-)


Go body surfing. If you like body-surfing, buy a wetsuit so you can do it for longer.

Flippers will help a lot to catch bigger waves out the back.

You can even use a boogie board if you like.

If you want to do Yoga, just do it for it's own sake.

Surfing can sometime be very meditative (and sometimes worse than road-rage).

I agree with Spork: More T.I.T.S. !

But TITS will only keep you going if you also catch some waves during your TITS. Otherwise it's just going to be the road-rage part, or the yoga part.

So make sure you catch some waves, somehow.

You will need the reward coming from actually catching waves, to keep going.


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Re: Yoga/Surf Fitness

Post by ctd » Sat Jun 28, 2014 9:13 pm

I dont think the OP lives at the coast, so while TITS is great advice, its just frustrating advice when you physically cant do it. Hence swimming is probably the best thing to do, plus at home pop ups and maybe some yoga although you can be a stiff bastard and still surf (so I wouldnt put yoga too high on the list). Push ups and pull ups are probably also useful, but swimming is no 1. Watching some training videos is also good (the 'surf simply' ones are by far the best, in my opinion - for a beginner mind you, not for anyone beyond that stage. They are on youtube)

As a late in life non living near ocean person (as I was/am), the main problem is lack of water time and the time between surfs. It means that every time you go out, you take 1 or 2 sessions just to figure out where you were last time you were out, get your timing back and so forth, before you can even begin to try and improve. So if you get, say, 50 hours a year in the water (25 days at the beach), only 30 hours is actual learning advancement, the rest is just catching up to yourself. And perhaps even less if the conditions dont co operate.

It took me probably almost year of surfing white water before I could stand up consistently, although that 'year' only involved about 12 or 15 sessions of surfing. I would be consistent one week and ready to progress, then come back 6 weeks later and fall off for an hour (although at that time I wasnt really motivated, just surfed when I felt like it and had nothing else to do)

So its a very slow process.

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