When did the rules change?

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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by MrMik » Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:19 pm

fongss wrote:Exactly cuttlefish 8)

But my point is things have changed , as they should :idea:

And the old set rules never worked that well anyway , did they :?:

Always got a laugh that the same surf media types that write a article on the " old rules" be the first break them if it suited them :-o

A prime example lives up here, another, much better surfer has gone all quiet in yamba since he got the shit beat out him for being a dick #*!

The "rules" are in a state of flux

The old ones can no longer be enforced as back in the day cause everyone's got a camera and legal team nowadays ( hi kk) :lol:

I suggest some newies in line with what's really occurring

It use be. The rider had right away

That's gone.... The rider needs too take in account other ppls safety

Drop ins are fair game, it's no longer a sin, unless the surfers in the barrel :idea:

I love the old rules, the 60"s by all stories was a fun time be a surfer

It's 2013. It's time change

I for one, just can't bring myself put the blinkers on and run ppl over :oops:

Thoughts? Suggestions for a new /more relevant code conduct for surfers :?:
What pisses me off the most is when I'm paddling out, doing my darnedest to not get in the way, and then 1,2 or 3 fugg-widds (?or are they just innocent followers of the new rules?? <: ) drop in on a legit surfer that's on the wave. In that situation there is usually no way for me to paddle out of the way of everybody.

Here is a suggestion for a new rule:

" Everyone, while paddling out, shall aim at the closest surfer who is dropping in on someone else. If the said dropper-inner persists on his/her evil course nevertheless, then abandon you board in such a manner that is is likely to get in the way of the dropper-inner. "

This rule would accumulate trouble in the one location where it already is: Where someone is dropping in. Logically, there is really no point in blocking yet another part of that wave, when a certain part of it is already being ruined by some selfish bastard?

ps: There surely must be a better word than dropper-inner? "Offender" and "selfish bastard" are kind of appropriate, but not good enough. Suggestions, please! Four-letter words would be much :-)( preferred!

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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by carvin marvin » Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:19 am

Have you ever noticed that the better the waves are the rules are less observed.
The 2nd best day of a 13 month period where a north coast point had classic sand formation, was a sunday.
150 surfers out and 50 to 80 at the take off point, on every wave there were 4-5 drop ins on the first 50 metres of the wave, the 'crowd hassling intensity' was the equivalent of Kirra on a classic day.

That day convinced me how stupid and spiritually bankrupt the collective surfing mind is.

Another day of inbredness is the Queensland Labour day holiday and their NSW invasion, my brother takes off on a wave and a Queenslander drops in, my brother says 'hey' the inbred looks back and gives my brother the bird and while doing so runs straight over a surfer paddling out.

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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by alakaboo » Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:29 am

Well you'll be delighted to know that Qld has changed their Labour Day holiday to conform with NSW, so now you'll be able to be dropped in on by decent, god-fearing New South Welshmen as well.

Just for future reference, how do you distinguish between Qlders and NSWelshmen while surfing? I wouldn't like to blindly discriminate against people on the basis of their birthplace, and then turn out to be wrong.

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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by alakaboo » Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:07 am

Also be about 40% easier on their shoulders, due to being outside the main current.

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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by Beanpole » Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:31 pm

[quote="carvin marvin"]Have you ever noticed that the better the waves are the rules are less observed.

Opposite is true at Bondi. All the kooks get poleaxed and can't get out so it actually turns into a normal set up. Unfortunately this rarely happens as its hardly ever surfable when its head high.

Kooks will still attempt to paddle out at dead low tide overhead closeouts however and if they miraculously get out will paddle off the edge of some ugly beast and get drilled headfirst into the sand. Fun to watch.
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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by buzzy » Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:10 pm

Bondi's the absolute worst. I reckon the surf schools must teach them to paddle out right through the middle of the peak. Virtually all of them do it. You hardly see any of them paddling out in the channel. It's gobsmackingly stupid on a number of fronts.

And yes, the ones wallowing right in front of the take off point - could they be more oblivious and inconsiderate? Also, half of them have never heard of "dropping in" let alone abide by any rules of etiquette. Let's not forget the prevalence of going left on rights or right on lefts. Argh.

And the paddling for the shoulder? FFS. Duck dive -it's not that hard.

The etiquette at even Manly is 10 times better than at Bondi. It's a Euro backpacker zoo, all ofthem exploring their "inner surfer" while trying to kill me with their incompetence and obliviousness.

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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by Karlos » Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:29 pm

Manly 10 times better? Jesus fcuking Christ Bondi must be bad...

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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by Beanpole » Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:46 pm

Yup. I rate Bondi and The Pass as the two most unco places in Australia. Big call but Bondi, I think, even trumps the Pass due to the relative quality of the surf. Way more surf etiquette at Manly.
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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by Nick Carroll » Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:46 pm

Maybe it's not a real good idea to judge the general surf etiquette in Australian waters by three or four grossly overcrowded surf zones, where rules of any kind other than those enforced by police would likely be ignored.

Hundreds, indeed the vast majority, of other surf spots are getting along just fine under the generic rules that have run most Australian lineups for around 40 years now.

They do generally include a modicum of fair play and sharing.

If you're struggling with vast shoals of kooks, well there are ways of getting around any crowd but there are almost certainly heaps of waves not far away that the poor old kook shoals won't know about.

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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by pinhead » Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:31 pm

Regarding the call outs from people in the way. I had this amusing incident a couple of years ago, where I was on a fairly big wave at Winki - Vic and went for a drawn out carve of the top, just as some guy is trying to scratch over the shoulder. He starts yelling "farkkkk" in terror as I see him, I have to do a full rail hack on the face to avoid him - I totally expect to blow the turn and mow him down - but by some miracle I make it, missing him by inches and drenching him in spray, I kick out as I now won't be able to beat the section due to the tighter turn. As I paddle back past the guy, who is some huge traddie type he says "jesus mate!!" I respond "You were in safe hands, you handbag" the look on his face was almost worth losing the wave.

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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by Karlos » Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:00 pm

Beanpole wrote:Yup. I rate Bondi and The Pass as the two most unco places in Australia. Big call but Bondi, I think, even trumps the Pass due to the relative quality of the surf. Way more surf etiquette at Manly.
There is precious little etiquette at Manly. Honestly, I'm being conservative here. If I was really honest I'd say there is next to none at all these days. Forget moving to the Blue Mountains, having to paddle out at Manly on a regular basis is enough to give up surfing.

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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by MrMik » Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:17 pm

Rockin' Ron wrote:So that's it then...the collective noun for kooks is a shoal?

It certainly evoked strong imagery.
" In particular, waves shoal as they pass over submerged sandbanks or reefs. This can be treacherous for boats and ships. It's good for surfers." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoal

Interesting word with many meanings. :D: But some of them are just too good to grace those people with.

How about "You DILL"?

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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by MrMik » Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:56 am

Rockin' Ron wrote:Was all going well until the last "looser"
Just covering all bases... :D

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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by The Mighty Sunbird » Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:45 am


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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by dUg » Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:27 pm

Fong if you ever pop back through southoz I'll show you a 105E Ford Anglia you can buy immediately, plus a dozen places where those "old" rules continue to be applied with lethal force. :D

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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by buzzy » Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:56 pm

Nick Carroll wrote: If you're struggling with vast shoals of kooks, well there are ways of getting around any crowd but there are almost certainly heaps of waves not far away that the poor old kook shoals won't know about.
I'm not sure about that. With family and work and other commitments the window of opportunity for a surf is generally pretty limited. Mid week day time ,sure, the other options stack up, but for a quick pre-work surf or a 1 hour session between family commitments of a weekend I don't think they're appreciably better (except true less kooks).

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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by Beanpole » Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:57 pm

The thing is for all the hoohaa you can still paddle out nearly anywhere on the right day at the right time and score good uncrowded waves. As long as your expectations are not too high you can be surprised. Had a fun session on the weekend with perfect little anklesnappers and a few locals. I can remember a cold winters day at Manly last winter with offshore winds and practically no one out on a sunday at lunchtime. Last year super crowded knee high Pass and my little fish was the only board allowing taking off next to the rock before squeezing through to the main break and claiming the wave.....for a while anyway.

Back in the day I can remember Kirra going off with two of us out because the wind swung. Also three of us out at Ti Tree in clean over head conditions :-D-:

Obviously the most crowded breaks are crowded for a reason. One is that a lot of surfers live close by.
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Re: When did the rules change?

Post by Davros » Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:50 pm

buzzy wrote:Bondi's the absolute worst. I reckon the surf schools must teach them to paddle out right through the middle of the peak. Virtually all of them do it. You hardly see any of them paddling out in the channel. It's gobsmackingly stupid on a number of fronts.

And yes, the ones wallowing right in front of the take off point - could they be more oblivious and inconsiderate? Also, half of them have never heard of "dropping in" let alone abide by any rules of etiquette. Let's not forget the prevalence of going left on rights or right on lefts. Argh.

And the paddling for the shoulder? FFS. Duck dive -it's not that hard.

The etiquette at even Manly is 10 times better than at Bondi. It's a Euro backpacker zoo, all ofthem exploring their "inner surfer" while trying to kill me with their incompetence and obliviousness.
I have had an unusual number of blokes this year paddling back right into the take off zone when I'm about to launch. I think I have just been unlucky, but it is my pet hate of 2013, that and blokes on super large boards taking off on the outside of me and early...I have nothing against riding larger boards but that is a piss off when I am clearly on the inside in position breaking the peak...but hey thats life.

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