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Post by Bretto » Fri Sep 21, 2007 3:05 pm

wow things are heating up . what is wrong with you guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by Revolution » Fri Sep 21, 2007 3:42 pm

kreepykrawly wrote: Revolution
only because NC had a go at you in the ''drop in thread' and you definitely have some underlying anger issues :wink: (and is Coops covering for you ?) and the fact that you usually jump into these type of threads straight away.
I cant do multi's, i did one but was to proud i told almost everyone :oops:

Oh and my internets going to slow.

Wands im warning you, if you press my buttons the right way


you might get to see my hard drive


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Post by Shaunm » Fri Sep 21, 2007 3:56 pm

Sorry jusy a belly button
just like this one

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Post by H4CK3R » Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:05 pm

Bretto wrote:wow things are heating up . what is wrong with you guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, someone who actually has noticed what is going on.
Its like a rabbit being thrown to the hounds.

Let me cast your minds back to my original post.
Ya know what, maybe Ruby is actually Ruby. Ever thought about that you tosser!
Albeit the term tosser was a little strong, but given the comments directed towards Ruby, of whom I do not know, I thought it definately wasn't very welcoming towards a first time poster.

Another newbie, of which I am sure there have been several, posted based on what had already transponded.
doowdle wrote:For some reason that makes me feel welcome.
I ask this question, which is really where I am coming from, why is that a new person is treated like scum or a troll, without even an attempt to find out something about them?
You all were newbies to start with, there was definately a feeling out process that happened initially, but did any of you experience this sort of ridicule or contempt when you first joined.
I realise that this is a very close knit forum.

Sorry to point this out, but Mr Carroll you really are one antagonistic bastard when it comes to first time posters.

Read the thread and the flow, please.

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Post by Shaunm » Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:16 pm

Depends on how you type, terms you use, and your IP address.

I was called Fong the 2nd time I posted

You're just lucky Meataxe is absent

Cant believe no-one mentioned nipples :shock:
Last edited by Shaunm on Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by The Mighty Sunbird » Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:17 pm

Yeah to survive and maintain a fragile sense of self here you have to do it like me....dont post often, dont draw attention to yourself. Get the count up before anyone notices
Its a jungle out there.....

P.S you are all ghey!!! :P

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Post by Kunji » Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:19 pm

Thats it Tool get your stuff and go. Leave Mat Branson out of this!


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Post by H4CK3R » Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:40 pm

lateralus wrote:Yeah to survive and maintain a fragile sense of self here you have to do it like me....dont post often, dont draw attention to yourself. Get the count up before anyone notices
Its a jungle out there.....

P.S you are all ghey!!! :P
Here is another newbie, which most likely has a lot to offer but as far as most of you are concerned, to hell with him.
Why not close the forum so no new members can join, then over time you will
all become stagnant. The same comments from the same people almost to the point of complete boredom.
Several newbies, that are now barnacles, that I have witnessed over the last year or so have actually contributed greatly to these forums.
Some of us newbies would like to contribute. But I can't see that happening with the current hierachical structure you place on number of posts.
Just have a think about it, is it number of posts, familiarity, or contribution to these forums that actually should count.

Yes, I'm making a stand for all the little people out there who are too scared or frightened to join in because their number of posts say they are worthless!
Yes you have already written me off, but thats okay I can live with that.
But can you?

Coops@DY (tosser previously) at last a bit of humour thrown to the scum. Thankyou.

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Post by Shaunm » Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:54 pm

Nah more you've posted the more you can cop it

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Post by kreepykrawly » Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:59 pm

Can just see H4CK3R now...
40 something year old caught in a 16 year olds body.Pants up around his arm pits. Coke bottle glasses. Peewee Hermin haircut.
KT26 Tennis shoes and having a voice similar to Johnny Howard under stress.

PeeWee…..”Mommy mommy Jason said this blah blah blah….. and Jason said that blah blah blah…”
Mommy…. “ Awww..dont be nasty to Peewee. He hasn’t had his vitamins yet”
Peewee…… “Did you know that he also said blah blah blah…..?” sob sob cry cry….
Mommy…. “don’t say that to Peewee. he is a very sensitive boy blah blah…”
Peewee…… “mommy can I suck your titties now”

And Wanderer I have a new word that can be used to describe hackerhead
Main Entry: as•i•nine
Pronunciation: 'a-s&-"nIn
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin asininus, from asinus ass
1 : extremely or utterly foolish <an asinine excuse>
2 : of, relating to, or resembling an arse
synonym see SIMPLE
- as•i•nine•ly adverb

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Post by ric_vidal » Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:13 pm

kreepykrawly wrote: Main Entry: as•i•nine
Pronunciation: 'a-s&-"nIn
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin asininus, from asinus ****
1 : extremely or utterly foolish <an asinine excuse>
2 : of, relating to, or resembling an ****
synonym see SIMPLE
- as•i•nine•ly adverb
Klackers, did you take that bundy and coke intraveniously again?

So H4CK3R‘R’US, tell us about yourself... be contraversial, stand up for the little guy (although you keep singling out nicknack and he ain’t a giant). If nothing else you are here and you are giving some back. You don’t appear to be hiding under a rock while others just shy away.

So seems to me you fit right in! :D

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Post by The Mighty Sunbird » Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:17 pm

Coops@DY wrote:Thats it Tool get your stuff and go. Leave Mat Branson out of this!

Oh dear I have dreaded this day for SUCH a long time.....I knew I should have stuck with the little man approach.

Well then......you won't be hearing from me again for a long long time.....long time.......

PS I wasn't insulting your boyfriend. You are ALL a bunch of fudge packers.

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Post by Nick Carroll » Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:29 pm

ric_vidal wrote: What’s wrong tin legs, can’t be the titanium shifting?

Not still getting medical bills?

Are we up for a weather change?

I know it’s probably the bloody grass out the front, it is isn’t it? Krusty been chucking bindii seeds again?

Neighbour smash another car windscreen? Or was that you, couldn’t quite make up my mind? :shock:

TC drop in on you again or that bloody (Hayden Shapes) Natho?

Golden Child asked for an advance on her already advanced substantial allowance?

JC (Golden Child MkII) gone off the surf altogether?

Fish tonight and the missus has bought flying fish?

Lisa wants a NEW chapter?

Kelly wants to do a book and is talking to Matt Warshaw about writing it?

The drugs test is back from the Molokai paddle and it’s something about your wee? There may be repurcussions!
Holy crap rickity, all of the above. How did you guess.

As for KR4CK3R, you think this is antagonised? Good Lord man, I'd need an antagonist first -- and you, sir, are no antagonist.

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Post by H4CK3R » Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:33 pm

Shaunm wrote:Nah more you've posted the more you can cop it
Fair enough, at least that is a response that I would expect.

"Town clown" get ready to coffee klatch. See you at North Narrabeen, again.

Ah, Ric Vidal. Someone actually interested in finding out about someone rather than being judgemental.
You realise you may become a castaway for dare taking to a newbie.
Very much appreciated.

Been viewing these forums since 2004, I never chose to register because I didn't feel the need to.
I actually have met a few of the forum members here, and have always been intrigued about how their conversation will always drift into threads and responses they are following.
There are some great threads which have provided a huge amount of knowledge becoming available to the average joe surfer.
Recently though, I have noticed the nightmare that any newbie experiences as soon as they join and attempt to contribute.
Its not rocket science, yes you don't know me from a bar of soap, but to immediately dismiss someone on their very first post is akin to shoot now ask questions later.
Realsurf has experienced its fair share of spammers and quite a few trolls.
But surely you can differentiate between a spammer, troll and a genuine person within a couple of posts rather than resorting to the existing mindset.

Mr Carroll was an unfortunate target, but he who strikes first must accept a response in part. No personal malice towards Mr Carroll, but towards his actions and thoughts.
He is a respected surf journalist, and surfer.

Anyway, have a nice weekend and hope the surf and conditions are kind to you.

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Post by Revolution » Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:53 pm

i agree with hacker with that post above, a few newbies get written off... although with a few people they deserve it.

But i must say i think you are an utter twat for thinking Carrols is well respected :lol: :twisted:

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Post by H4CK3R » Fri Sep 21, 2007 6:11 pm

Actually dinosaur, I'm not a goofy. Because if I was I'd be at a distinct disadvantage.
Typical post from you dinosaur, and if I didn't know any better I'd be offended. Though I'm pretty sure it was intended that way.
Sums it up perfectly, in your own words too.
Surprising such a young guy like you chooses a name like dinosaur to appear older and more worldly.
Revolution wrote:i agree with hacker with that post above, a few newbies get written off... although with a few people they deserve it.

But i must say i think you are an utter twat for thinking Carrols is well respected :lol: :twisted:
Rev, the former dammit_01. An utter twat for giving Mr Carroll the respect he deserves, I don't think so. One day you may actually receive some respect, but until then.

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Post by Revolution » Fri Sep 21, 2007 6:20 pm

:lol: I cant wait till i get the amount of respect you have ... :shock:

Really i have nothing compared to what dinosaur had to say ... so i think im best off just quoting that:
In an attempt to find out about you and where your coming from, ive just read all of your 9 posts. Based on this i have deduced that not only are you scum and a troll but your also a slack jawed, gormless, asinine knuckle dragging flatulent mummies boy. Your shockingly tiny and impotent genitalia is home to a myriad of putrid organisms and bacteria, the only reason they inhabit a lower rung on the social scale to you, is because they chose you as a host. The fact that you only have 9 posts means nothing to me. The fact that you chose to waste those posts with some of the most mindless, redundant textual equivalent of fecal matter, ive had the misfortune to read on these forums leads me to the conclusion that you are a sad pathetic loser . Your behavior may be the result of the squicking the doctor gave you after you were born, however this is no excuse. I have no doubt you are an appalling rubberneck a veritable lord of the kookocracy. Even if you do surf, which i doubt you are most definately a goofy and you are of course excruciatingly ghey. There is no room here for your type, please exit at your earliest convenience.

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Post by special_k » Fri Sep 21, 2007 6:21 pm

kreepykrawly wrote:Can just see H4CK3R now...
H4CK3R is Mrs Kreepy formerly known as SSR. THe tone and use of language is unmistakable.

Next troll step up. :roll:

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