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My new project

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:34 pm
by diggerdickson
Im gonna cut down a shaped blank I have in the shed, at the moment its 6'3 but cutting it down to 5 foot something for my boy. Its got holes in the bottom of the deck and the blank is a absolute mess. It will be good pratice before I get my hands on a quality blank, a few more projects first before spending money and stuffing up. Good pratice on the planner I reckon as I certianly aint perfect on it :lol:

Piture will be posted soon of the blank and Tims board on a shelf above that waiting for ledge to get back so we can glass it. :D

Re: My new project

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:33 pm
by diggerdickson
top board is fongs awaiting glassing, Ledge is getting back on the 22 Nov so hopefully will have two boards to do but I doubt it

Re: My new project

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:36 am
by mustkillmulloway
i'm frothing 8)

glass it lite and surf it hard :idea:

i want recycle the speed boats fins 8)

Re: My new project

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:54 am
by diggerdickson
mustkillmulloway wrote:i'm frothing 8)

glass it lite and surf it hard :idea:

i want recycle the speed boats fins 8)

recycle is good, can even recycle plug if you want. Thinking of turning the speed boat into a egg as well, just depends if I can get a tiny bita rocker in it. :D

Re: My new project

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:56 pm
by diggerdickson
I am just so excited about making my boys first board guys. I will see if I can get him to help paint it in the end ( he is so eager its not funny) however he wants to make it special for him. Im hoping to get it done by christmas for a christmas present for him.

I can imagine how stoked he will be. All other shaping ideas on the backburner as I concentrate on making this board for noah, and will definately post pics on noah lying down on it as I push him onto his first bit of whitewater. Might even video it..

I cant beleive how stocked I am to be doing this for him. Its why I wanna learn to shape. :D :D

Re: My new project

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:23 pm
by diggerdickson
Ive just stripped down the speed boat of tims, ripped off all the glass, gonna make it into a 5,4 pin tail, step deck in it to remove some of the crazy amount of foam, wack some channels in it, no idea how but got start somewhere on it, will be fun, a total tester for me, just to pratice on, nothing serious at all, will take pics later

Re: My new project

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:22 pm
by diggerdickson
Ive got this crazy shape in my head for tims rocket boat, he has already put a step in it so going to try to blend this in better so its not too radical thereby snapping at the step, but need to leave heaps of foam in the nose so I can get some sorta rocker into it if that makes sence.

Im also thinking like two shapes in one. What I mean by that is I need to leave heaps of foam in the board but then the rails will be stupidly thick. So in my mind im pituring like step rails if that makes sence. Ive roughed out a outline on the deck of the board then roughed out another outline where I will make the step rails. I have no idea how to achieve this and I know ive bitten off more than I can chew, but what the hell. I mean im gonna stuff it when I put channels in anyway, haaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Ive visulized this piture of how it is to be but to get that piture into the blank is the challenge. Im sure people out there have thought of this before and have maybe tried it to keep foam in the board. If anyone has tried this nuts idea let me know as surely someone has done this, I cant be the first person to think of this as it sorta makes sence. It will be like two sets of rails, rolling it to the first outline, then stepping down a bit and making a new rail there ( keeping the foam in the middle), like a inverted s sorta if you know what I mean.

Re: My new project

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:16 pm
by mustkillmulloway
diggerdickson wrote:

Ive visulized this piture of how it is to be but to get that piture into the blank is the challenge. .
plenty can teach u how use a planner

but the real skill is learning how think/design/ ya head

:?: :arrow: :idea:

i can copy any board but plenty can , all u need is a ruler, plenty board builders out there that copy other shapes well
but be honest

there copiers...not shapers

i can't design for shit...lets see how u fair.... :idea:

which catergory u fall :evil:

Re: My new project

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:31 am
by diggerdickson
mustkillmulloway wrote:
diggerdickson wrote:

Ive visulized this piture of how it is to be but to get that piture into the blank is the challenge. .
plenty can teach u how use a planner

but the real skill is learning how think/design/ ya head

:?: :arrow: :idea:

i can copy any board but plenty can , all u need is a ruler, plenty board builders out there that copy other shapes well
but be honest

thats the scary part fong, I still aint got much of a clue, learning, but its gonna be a long time I think before I can design to be honest, its more difficult than I thought and its bought a new appreciation of what good shapers are and why they are worth more than what they get paid.

I think with a few more shapes under my belt I will start undertanding a bit more. Im trying to get in my head the deminsions for a good single but it just aint there at the moment because I dont fully understand the water movement under the board and how rails and rocker effect this plus width of tail and all the shite that goes with it. I suppose you cant pic this up in 6 months

there copiers...not shapers

i can't design for shit...lets see how u fair.... :idea:

which catergory u fall :evil:

Re: My new project

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:57 pm
by diggerdickson

Re: My new project

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:58 am
by diggerdickson
cut out my boys template today, he helped me sand it down to the lines, making the outlines curves smooth and beautiful. Im hoping to measure out his board and cut it, Noah will help me smooth it down to the lines, dont matter if it aint perfect cause he will be helping me make his own surfboard, yeee haaaa. Looking forward to sanding some foam with him tommorow.

Re: My new project

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:02 pm
by diggerdickson
cut out the outline for my boys board, he did one side with me trying to guide him while he drove the jig saw. I did the other side :D

He sanded down his side and I sanded down mine, we had a blast doing it, my side is oday and noahs side of which he is so proud is wonky as :lol: :lol: Hopefully when I cut in the rails it will come out okay but I dont care if it doesnt as noah is building this board hands on and he is only 5.

Ive had a magic weekend doing this with my lad.

Also scored a snapped mal from t tree, have cut it up and got a piece thats 2 foot by 9 inches, noah is going to make a toy board from that by himself, he is keen to start and will get him on the tools when I can. Should be a blast doing this with him, guiding him and teaching him on how to do a miniture board that he can play with it in his kids pool. :D :D

I reckon getting him to do things with his hands should be great for him. Im more interested in doing this with him, will stick it on his wall and make stands for it as well. :D

Re: My new project

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:34 pm
by diggerdickson
My boys first time shaping, he is only 5 and now he is saying he doesnt want to be a mechanic anymore, and that he loves sanding his board and cant wait to do it again with me.

:lol: :lol: :lol: So now Ive got me own apprentice, trouble is I cant shape either yet :lol:

Ahh you cant beat time spent with your little boy can ya. You never know either, he might just catch the bug, imagine shaping your first board before you can even stand up :lol: :lol: :lol: :shock: .

Thanks dan for resizing the photos for me and thanks huei for all the ideas and guidance. This board will be the most fun I have ever had with my boy so far in his short life.

Re: My new project

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:40 pm
by Quangers
That's awesome.
Make sure you pay him a retainer- you don't want him working for the opposition.

Re: My new project

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:46 pm
by black duck
fcuk digger, great pics, worth their weight...
Wonky rails might be a good thing

Re: My new project

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:19 pm
by tiger
Go mini-Diggs! That's some quality family time there mate.

Re: My new project

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:52 pm
by diggerdickson
Im just so proud of my little boy and the effort he put in, he managed to concentrate really hard for 30 minutes before he got bored. To me that in its self is a success if you knew Noah you would know what I mean.

I need to get him a small pair of safety glasses that will fit him as he got some stuff in his eyes and i dont wanna have him scared of sanding as we had a blast.

Plus we are making a tiny board of about 1 foot or so long that he will make from scratch himself to play with in the kids pool I set up out back. I will glass it for him but that is all, rest up to him, including posca pen art work. This project is for him and him alone ( I will try to provide guidance,show him how to do a few things.) get him on the tools, a good friend of mine suggested it and I reckon it will just keep his mind working, keep him busy, a really good bonding time with my special son as well. :D

Go the little shaper, LOOK OUT CAIN, NOAH IS COMING TO GET YA..... Start em young, get em keen:lol: :lol:

Re: My new project

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 8:16 am
by ric_vidal
Good stuff, DD. Will save him and you a fortune.