surfwear prices

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surfwear prices

Post by _cant_touch_this » Sat Feb 28, 2004 6:51 pm

faaaaaaaaaark how ridiculous is it getting!!! oniel superfreak boardies (iv heard nothing but good reports) are retailing 4 $99.95!!!!! rip off! and some t-shirts have even broken the $80.00 barrier. i saw a t-shirt a few months ago...plain white (like those $5 bonds ones from kmart) with, in tiny red letters on one sleeve, the word 'billabong' $44.95 now i believe that works out to about 35 (at least) bucks just for one little word! and oakley thongs - $100!!!!! not to mention the prices of sunnies - i was talking to one of the guys at the jetty surf outlet at torquay and he was telling me about the new oakleys - $499.99 for a pair of sunnies! u can get an almost identical pair for about $15 at service stations all over the place. black ice are the way to go. owners of these big companies must be laughing.
am i the only one who thinks the prices for surf gear is getting outta control???

squid, who didn't log in

Post by squid, who didn't log in » Sat Feb 28, 2004 8:27 pm

the makers have twigged that people will pay those prices, and that grommets like you, ctt, even though they might not have the money NOW, still WANT their "sick" boardies and will eventually BUY SOME. so they charge what they can get away with. it's called capitalism. one day some GOOD PERSON might release a line of quality surfwear at sane prices that'll take off, and the fat corporate moneygrubbers at the present fashion house surf labels will have to come down a notch. like what happened to qantas when virgin came in to oz. i fken loved seeing qantas grovel and dig in its pockets and realise oh! we CAN charge less for our arrogant inefficient service, sorry, customers, for screwing you for all those years while we had our monopoly, we really had NO IDEA.

i'm not buyin it. don't fly qantas.

sorry, got a bit offtopic there.

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Post by _cant_touch_this » Sat Feb 28, 2004 8:41 pm

squid, who didn't log in wrote:the makers have twigged that people will pay those prices, and that grommets like you, ctt, even though they might not have the money NOW, still WANT their "sick" boardies and will eventually BUY SOME.
nah squid, i refuse to pay full price for surf gear these days, i wait for the sales, unless i DESPERATELY need something, like if there was a fire in my cupboard and every item of clothing i own managed to get burnt to a crisp. but otherwise i wont pay full price (or rather, mum wont pay full price lol) i need some sunnies and would love a pair of VZ paco's, but im not getting them unless i win them coz i aint paying $150 no way in hell.

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Post by _cant_touch_this » Sun Feb 29, 2004 1:33 pm

yer i went there on friday arvo n scored 2 pairs of top-quality bardies 4 $50 a pop

robo 1

Post by robo 1 » Wed Mar 10, 2004 11:42 am

Hey just do what I do! go to the rich PPL area's vinnies & salvo's and get em for $10, so what if their used or a little old, everybody loves retro right!

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